Day 32: Hearing God

READ- 1 Peter 3:13-16
REFLECT- Rejection hurts. There is nothing easy about it but it cannot stop us from doing what is right. I remember a time I was out on a prayer walk with a couple of friends and on the journey we had some great times of praying with people we felt God led us to. However, at one point I sensed God leading me to ask a young man if we could pray with him but he refused. Sure it was awkward and I felt self-conscious, but we politely wished him a good day and went on our way. If we had stopped because of the rejection we would have missed out on other great interactions that day where God spoke hope and healing into people that needed it. 1 Peter 3:15 clearly tells us to be ready to share the hope that we have but it is contained in the middle of verses talking about dealing with hardship and suffering. When we share about Jesus it will not always go how we want it to go but that does not mean it wasn’t right. Always do it with gentleness and respect and continue to value the people God brings you to. It is a blessing to know we are not responsible for people’s response, we are just called to share. We cannot let the difficulty of rejection hold us back.
RESPOND- Be bold and share what Jesus has done in your life with someone today. Don’t gauge success on their response but on your obedience.
READ- 1 Peter 3:13-16
REFLECT- Rejection hurts. There is nothing easy about it but it cannot stop us from doing what is right. I remember a time I was out on a prayer walk with a couple of friends and on the journey we had some great times of praying with people we felt God led us to. However, at one point I sensed God leading me to ask a young man if we could pray with him but he refused. Sure it was awkward and I felt self-conscious, but we politely wished him a good day and went on our way. If we had stopped because of the rejection we would have missed out on other great interactions that day where God spoke hope and healing into people that needed it. 1 Peter 3:15 clearly tells us to be ready to share the hope that we have but it is contained in the middle of verses talking about dealing with hardship and suffering. When we share about Jesus it will not always go how we want it to go but that does not mean it wasn’t right. Always do it with gentleness and respect and continue to value the people God brings you to. It is a blessing to know we are not responsible for people’s response, we are just called to share. We cannot let the difficulty of rejection hold us back.
RESPOND- Be bold and share what Jesus has done in your life with someone today. Don’t gauge success on their response but on your obedience.
Posted in Hearing God
Day 3: Hearing GodDay 4: Hearing GodDay 5: Hearing GodDay 6: Hearing GodDay 7: Hearing GodDay 8: Hearing GodDay 9: Hearing GodDay 10: Hearing GodDay 11: Hearing GodDay 12: Hearing GodDay 13: Hearing GodDay 14: Hearing GodDay 15: Hearing GodDay 16: Hearing GodDay 17: Hearing GodDay 18: Hearing GodDay 19: Hearing GodDay 20: Hearing GodDay 21: Hearing GodDay 22: Hearing GodDay 23: Hearing GodDay 24: Hearing GodDay 25: Hearing GodDay 26: Hearing GodDay 27: Hearing GodDay 28: Hearing GodDay 29: Hearing GodDay 30: Hearing GodDay 31: Hearing GodDay 32: Hearing GodDay 33: Hearing God
Day 1: Engaging PrayerDay 2: Engaging PrayerDay 3: Engaging PrayerDay 4: Engaging PrayerDay 5: Engaging PrayerDay 6: Engaging PrayerDay 8: Engaging PrayerDay 9: Engaging PrayerDay 10: Engaging PrayerDay 11: Engaging PrayerDay 12: Engaging PrayerDay 13: Engaging PrayerDay 15: Engaging PrayerDay 16: Engaging Prayer
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