Day 1: Hearing God

DAY 1 - Breathing Life
READ - 2 Timothy 3:16
REFLECT - When the word of God says that “all scripture is God breathed”, it means that God’s breath of life has been infused into it. In a similar way, God breathed his life into humanity as we read in Genesis 2:7. God formed us and breathed his life into us. He has done the same thing with His Word, the Bible. He created it through humanity, and breathed his life into it.
When we read scripture, it is not just the words of people recording past events, but the life-giving breath of God fused into the pages of scripture. In Hebrews 4:12, it says the Word is “alive and active.” God, through the Holy Spirit, wants to breathe life into you through His Word, which is alive and active, and able to shape us into God’s image.
RESPOND -How is God looking to breathe life into you today? Perhaps he wants to teach you something so you are better equipped to do what he has called you to. Maybe a bad habit needs correcting, or a direction needs clarifying, or maybe he is looking to encourage you that you are on the path to living righteously. Read the Word today, anticipating that God is wanting to breathe life into you.
READ - 2 Timothy 3:16
REFLECT - When the word of God says that “all scripture is God breathed”, it means that God’s breath of life has been infused into it. In a similar way, God breathed his life into humanity as we read in Genesis 2:7. God formed us and breathed his life into us. He has done the same thing with His Word, the Bible. He created it through humanity, and breathed his life into it.
When we read scripture, it is not just the words of people recording past events, but the life-giving breath of God fused into the pages of scripture. In Hebrews 4:12, it says the Word is “alive and active.” God, through the Holy Spirit, wants to breathe life into you through His Word, which is alive and active, and able to shape us into God’s image.
RESPOND -How is God looking to breathe life into you today? Perhaps he wants to teach you something so you are better equipped to do what he has called you to. Maybe a bad habit needs correcting, or a direction needs clarifying, or maybe he is looking to encourage you that you are on the path to living righteously. Read the Word today, anticipating that God is wanting to breathe life into you.
Posted in Hearing God
Day 3: Hearing GodDay 4: Hearing GodDay 5: Hearing GodDay 6: Hearing GodDay 7: Hearing GodDay 8: Hearing GodDay 9: Hearing GodDay 10: Hearing GodDay 11: Hearing GodDay 12: Hearing GodDay 13: Hearing GodDay 14: Hearing GodDay 15: Hearing GodDay 16: Hearing GodDay 17: Hearing GodDay 18: Hearing GodDay 19: Hearing GodDay 20: Hearing GodDay 21: Hearing GodDay 22: Hearing GodDay 23: Hearing GodDay 24: Hearing GodDay 25: Hearing GodDay 26: Hearing GodDay 27: Hearing GodDay 28: Hearing GodDay 29: Hearing GodDay 30: Hearing GodDay 31: Hearing GodDay 32: Hearing GodDay 33: Hearing God
Day 1: Engaging PrayerDay 2: Engaging PrayerDay 3: Engaging PrayerDay 4: Engaging PrayerDay 5: Engaging PrayerDay 6: Engaging PrayerDay 8: Engaging PrayerDay 9: Engaging PrayerDay 10: Engaging PrayerDay 11: Engaging PrayerDay 12: Engaging PrayerDay 13: Engaging PrayerDay 15: Engaging PrayerDay 16: Engaging Prayer