Day 6: Hearing God

In One Ear And Out The Other
READ - James 1:22
REFLECT - My wife and I have been foster parents for nearly two decades. In that time we have had fifty seven foster children in our home. We have adopted two of the fifty seven, have custody of another, and also have three biological kids. All of those children have come with their own unique set of challenges and blessings. One of those challenges (as with all kids) has been their listening skills. Unfortunately, listening and hearing do not always lead to immediate action. Let’s be honest, we’re the same way with God sometimes. Just because we listen and even hear what he says doesn’t always mean that we react immediately to what he has asked us to do. “In one ear and out the other”, so the saying goes. We have a saying in my house that goes, “slow obedience is no obedience”. The Bible is the most important “how to” guide in your life. Listen to the word, hear the word, and do what it says immediately because he loved you first and he loves you most.
RESPOND - When you read the word are you listening? Are you hearing? And most importantly are you doing what it says? Take some time to thank God for giving us the only roadmap we will ever need to follow him and then do what he says this week.
READ - James 1:22
REFLECT - My wife and I have been foster parents for nearly two decades. In that time we have had fifty seven foster children in our home. We have adopted two of the fifty seven, have custody of another, and also have three biological kids. All of those children have come with their own unique set of challenges and blessings. One of those challenges (as with all kids) has been their listening skills. Unfortunately, listening and hearing do not always lead to immediate action. Let’s be honest, we’re the same way with God sometimes. Just because we listen and even hear what he says doesn’t always mean that we react immediately to what he has asked us to do. “In one ear and out the other”, so the saying goes. We have a saying in my house that goes, “slow obedience is no obedience”. The Bible is the most important “how to” guide in your life. Listen to the word, hear the word, and do what it says immediately because he loved you first and he loves you most.
RESPOND - When you read the word are you listening? Are you hearing? And most importantly are you doing what it says? Take some time to thank God for giving us the only roadmap we will ever need to follow him and then do what he says this week.
Posted in Hearing God
Day 3: Hearing GodDay 4: Hearing GodDay 5: Hearing GodDay 6: Hearing GodDay 7: Hearing GodDay 8: Hearing GodDay 9: Hearing GodDay 10: Hearing GodDay 11: Hearing GodDay 12: Hearing GodDay 13: Hearing GodDay 14: Hearing GodDay 15: Hearing GodDay 16: Hearing GodDay 17: Hearing GodDay 18: Hearing GodDay 19: Hearing GodDay 20: Hearing GodDay 21: Hearing GodDay 22: Hearing GodDay 23: Hearing GodDay 24: Hearing GodDay 25: Hearing GodDay 26: Hearing GodDay 27: Hearing GodDay 28: Hearing GodDay 29: Hearing GodDay 30: Hearing GodDay 31: Hearing GodDay 32: Hearing GodDay 33: Hearing God
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