Day 4: Engaging Prayer

Bare your Soul
What does it mean to “bare my soul”? Bare has several definitions, two of which are:1) lacking clothing, and 2) to expose something.
Lacking Clothing - Adam and Eve lacked clothing in the Garden, yet they had no shame. When they sinned, they felt shame for their nakedness and hid from God. God is working to restore us to the right relationship with him, so we can come to a place we understand we can stand before him without shame. He made a way for this through Jesus’ blood on the cross, yet some of us still hide behind a tree, thinking we need to, or even can, keep our shame from God.
Expose Something - Even though God knew where Adam and Eve were, he asked them, “Where are you” because he wanted to give them the opportunity to be honest with him. God knows where you are too. We can cooperate in God’s restoration project by coming to him honestly in our prayer time. When we “bare our soul” in prayer, we are honestly exposing our shame to God and asking for help with wherever it is we are struggling. A healing begins as we speak the truth to God.
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” Gen. 3:8-9 NIV
Bare your Soul
What does it mean to “bare my soul”? Bare has several definitions, two of which are:1) lacking clothing, and 2) to expose something.
Lacking Clothing - Adam and Eve lacked clothing in the Garden, yet they had no shame. When they sinned, they felt shame for their nakedness and hid from God. God is working to restore us to the right relationship with him, so we can come to a place we understand we can stand before him without shame. He made a way for this through Jesus’ blood on the cross, yet some of us still hide behind a tree, thinking we need to, or even can, keep our shame from God.
Expose Something - Even though God knew where Adam and Eve were, he asked them, “Where are you” because he wanted to give them the opportunity to be honest with him. God knows where you are too. We can cooperate in God’s restoration project by coming to him honestly in our prayer time. When we “bare our soul” in prayer, we are honestly exposing our shame to God and asking for help with wherever it is we are struggling. A healing begins as we speak the truth to God.
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” Gen. 3:8-9 NIV
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Day 1: Engaging PrayerDay 2: Engaging PrayerDay 3: Engaging PrayerDay 4: Engaging PrayerDay 5: Engaging PrayerDay 6: Engaging PrayerDay 8: Engaging PrayerDay 9: Engaging PrayerDay 10: Engaging PrayerDay 11: Engaging PrayerDay 12: Engaging PrayerDay 13: Engaging PrayerDay 15: Engaging PrayerDay 16: Engaging Prayer
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