Day 18: Hearing God


READ- Revelation 1:1-3; Luke 11:28

REFLECT-  As a child I used to get in trouble OFTEN. During my video game phase I would be so wired into my game that whenever I was told something by my parents it didn’t always work out ideally for anyone. I would be told something along the lines of, “Son, you’re hearing me, but you’re not listening.” As I entered adulthood, in particular, married life, I found that my innate skills of hearing had grown substantially! I can repeat a phrase said toward me verbatim- but am I truly listening? As it were, the concept of listening has had to take on a whole different meaning in my head than merely hearing someone's words. When God instructs us to listen to Him, or to hear what He has for us to do or be, it is not a passive suggestion, nor a request to simply affirm His feelings so that He feels heard. No. It is what I have come to learn as active listening- listening acutely to someone with the resolve and single-minded focus to respond proactively to them, undividedly. I used to work a 5:00 am shift and would wake up very early and tell God, “I am not leaving until you give me a Word for today- until you give me my daily bread.” He always did, and still does. I feel so unsatisfied in my walk without actively listening to God day to day.
If our hearing or listening to our Heavenly Father does not involve an active response to His Word (whether spoken or written), then we are no better off than a teenage boy being able to reiterate his parents’ request without actually moving an iota toward getting it done.
RESPOND- Take time this week to write down whatever it is you get from your time in prayer.  Ask your Heavenly Father: What do you want me to know for today? Or this week? Lord is there something I need to do that I simply have not been adhering to? Wait and be patient. Write down whatever it is you get, whether a picture, a word, a push toward Scripture, anything! God can speak to us in more than just one way, but trust Him to do so, and remember to actively listen.
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1 Comment

Joe Rouse - March 16th, 2023 at 9:54am

From James 1

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror

24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.

25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it-not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it-they will be blessed in what they do.



