Day 12: Hearing God

READ- James 4:7-8
REFLECT- Have you ever had a day where all you wished for was five minutes of silence? I know you have! Whether it’s in the office, in the classroom or especially when you first get home from work or school. Those of you with children at home may know this feeling more often than not. But the reality is that most of us don’t know how to respond or act in long periods of silence. After several minutes we might turn to the TV or yell to “Alexa” to play a song. I think for most of us long periods of silence makes us feel uncomfortable because it forces us to actually hear what’s going on inside our heads, and if we are honest, that can be scary. During my early college years I chose to attend a men’s weekend “Prayer Summit” up in the mountains that was hosted by my home church. I had been away for a couple years and I really thought it would be good to get away with some men from the church and just connect with God. We all met together for that first meal on Friday night and that’s when it was presented. For the next 48 hours there would be absolute silence. No music, no sports, no games, and no talking (except at designated meals). The only thing on the agenda was to sit with your Bible and a notepad. And that’s what happened for the next 48 hours. Through my readings and journaling that weekend, God revealed some unfinished business that was rooted deep in my soul. As my mind became emptied of the worries all around me, I was finally able to make space for God. As I read his word and as my hand continued to jot down thoughts, God spoke to me and I heard him so clearly. And if I am honest, it was hard to hear, but it brought indescribable freedom and clarity.
RESPOND- What do you need to do in order to free your mind so that you can make room for God’s voice? When can you adjust your weekly routine to dedicate some time for God, and God alone? Where can you go to be alone in His presence? How will you listen to Him? Take James’ words with you: “Come near to God and he will come near to you.”
READ- James 4:7-8
REFLECT- Have you ever had a day where all you wished for was five minutes of silence? I know you have! Whether it’s in the office, in the classroom or especially when you first get home from work or school. Those of you with children at home may know this feeling more often than not. But the reality is that most of us don’t know how to respond or act in long periods of silence. After several minutes we might turn to the TV or yell to “Alexa” to play a song. I think for most of us long periods of silence makes us feel uncomfortable because it forces us to actually hear what’s going on inside our heads, and if we are honest, that can be scary. During my early college years I chose to attend a men’s weekend “Prayer Summit” up in the mountains that was hosted by my home church. I had been away for a couple years and I really thought it would be good to get away with some men from the church and just connect with God. We all met together for that first meal on Friday night and that’s when it was presented. For the next 48 hours there would be absolute silence. No music, no sports, no games, and no talking (except at designated meals). The only thing on the agenda was to sit with your Bible and a notepad. And that’s what happened for the next 48 hours. Through my readings and journaling that weekend, God revealed some unfinished business that was rooted deep in my soul. As my mind became emptied of the worries all around me, I was finally able to make space for God. As I read his word and as my hand continued to jot down thoughts, God spoke to me and I heard him so clearly. And if I am honest, it was hard to hear, but it brought indescribable freedom and clarity.
RESPOND- What do you need to do in order to free your mind so that you can make room for God’s voice? When can you adjust your weekly routine to dedicate some time for God, and God alone? Where can you go to be alone in His presence? How will you listen to Him? Take James’ words with you: “Come near to God and he will come near to you.”
Posted in Hearing God
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