Day 15: Engaging Prayer

Your People - by Fred Hammer

“When was the last time you wrote somebody and mentioned what you were praying for on their behalf?” - Laugh Again, by Charles Swindoll

Shortly after Stacey and I got married I took my first full time ministry job with Youth For Christ Sacramento to start an after school Teen Center for troubled youth. Besides running the daily operations and planning activities for the youth, I was required to raise my own salary through donations and church speaking opportunities. The key to making this successful came from building a team of people who committed to pray for me. This was a new experience for me, but one that I will forever remember. Prayer matters. When we put the interests of others above our own needs, God does mighty work. When things were tough, I didn’t have to lose faith because I knew I had other people praying with me and for me. God never failed us. Every ministry opportunity I have been a part of since then includes having a team of intercessory prayer warriors. Who do you pray for?

“I urge you first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” 1 Timothy 2:1
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