Day 20: Engaging Prayer

No Thanks Fear by Pastor Kyle Johnson 

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

Fear is something that naturally comes when we face something big, scary, ugly or unknown.
But that doesn’t mean we have to hold onto it when it comes. Too often fear prances its way
into our mind and we grab a hold of it like it’s our long-lost twin that we were separated from
at birth. We believe we were created to have this fear, but actually the opposite is truth. The
very God that created you didn’t include fear anywhere in the design plans of your life and He
never sees fit to put it in as an after-market addition. On the contrary, God gives us power to
overcome that which gives us fear, love to break the barriers that fear creates and self-
discipline to keep fear at least an arms-length away. As we overcome fear, we need to
intercede for others that are plagued by fear. In fact, fear is often a spiritual force that
intercessors need to take authority over to limit its influence. Can you step up to the challenge
today and put fear in its place?

Pray – God, you are great and mighty! I believe that you are bigger than the issues and
struggles that are causing our world to be gripped with fear. Help us trade fear for the power,
love and self-discipline you offer. Also, we bind up the spirit of fear from running wild in our
family, community and world in the powerful and effective Name of Jesus. Amen.
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