Day 23: Engaging Prayer

A Love-Revealing Unity - by Chad Riley

“Real Thing” Vertical Worship
There’s a place for me,
and it’s heavenly -
at the table with the King.

In a soundbite culture like the one we live in, where topics and truths occupy our attention for only minutes at a time (if not seconds), it’s perfectly natural to seek something more permanent and lasting. This yearning drives me often to the prayer of Jesus.

Where other scenes within the gospels show our savior prompting others to identify him (with such questions as “Who do you say I am?”), here he identifies himself in clear, specific terms. He talks at length about existing with the Father before the creation of the world, he acknowledges what is about to occur and his imminent return to the Father’s side, and he talks about and prays for his disciples.

He prays directly for you and me, too, which is utterly breathtaking. This all-encompassing passion prayer isn’t stuck in the dusty pages of history, but is instead continually relevant and fresh. It’s personal, for Jesus and for each of us.

And what does our savior ask the Father on our behalf? A perfect unity that makes the Father’s love real and apparent in the world:

“I am praying not only for those disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message…May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.” [John 17:20, 23 NLT]
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