Day 27: Hearing God

READ- 1 John 3:16-24
REFLECT- What’s in it for me? This is probably the greatest Amercian question. Our society is so focused on ‘what’s best for me?’ Now this makes sense in the secular, non church world. Let’s be honest, if this wasn’t true there wouldn’t be commercials and we could watch our 60 minute tv show in 35 minutes. As a spiritually young freshman in high school this was certainly true of me. I loved church and I loved my youth group and I loved studying the Bible with my small group leader. But at the same time, I really enjoyed hanging out with my friends, both my church friends and my schoolmates. As Spring Break was approaching there was this buzz of excitement, both in my youth group and in my friends group. Our first Spring Break as a high schooler was coming up and my buddy John invited me to San Diego for the week. A week in a top class hotel on the beach enjoying a true “Spring Break.” At church it was the buzz of the annual trip to Mexico to build houses, run Bible Camps and serve those in poverty. Everyone in our youth group was going… except me. I chose loving myself over loving others. Even today as I look back, it is one of the decisions I regret the most. But God redeemed me and for the next 3 years I was in Mexico loving and serving and working harder than I ever had. God speaks and brings people across our paths everyday that he wants us to love; and more often than not, we miss it and make the wrong choice. But if we love the way God loves, we must forgive ourselves, seek his truth and answer the call he has on our lives. “God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything.” Let God’s love fill you today, so you can pass His love to someone else.
RESPOND- Take a quick inventory of your life. What do you need to give over to God so that you can be free to love and serve those around you? If there is guilt you are holding on to, give it to God. If it’s fear, be bold and ask Him for stronger faith to face the next challenge. Remember, we have God’s Spirit living in us! Let him free to lead you in loving others.
READ- 1 John 3:16-24
REFLECT- What’s in it for me? This is probably the greatest Amercian question. Our society is so focused on ‘what’s best for me?’ Now this makes sense in the secular, non church world. Let’s be honest, if this wasn’t true there wouldn’t be commercials and we could watch our 60 minute tv show in 35 minutes. As a spiritually young freshman in high school this was certainly true of me. I loved church and I loved my youth group and I loved studying the Bible with my small group leader. But at the same time, I really enjoyed hanging out with my friends, both my church friends and my schoolmates. As Spring Break was approaching there was this buzz of excitement, both in my youth group and in my friends group. Our first Spring Break as a high schooler was coming up and my buddy John invited me to San Diego for the week. A week in a top class hotel on the beach enjoying a true “Spring Break.” At church it was the buzz of the annual trip to Mexico to build houses, run Bible Camps and serve those in poverty. Everyone in our youth group was going… except me. I chose loving myself over loving others. Even today as I look back, it is one of the decisions I regret the most. But God redeemed me and for the next 3 years I was in Mexico loving and serving and working harder than I ever had. God speaks and brings people across our paths everyday that he wants us to love; and more often than not, we miss it and make the wrong choice. But if we love the way God loves, we must forgive ourselves, seek his truth and answer the call he has on our lives. “God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything.” Let God’s love fill you today, so you can pass His love to someone else.
RESPOND- Take a quick inventory of your life. What do you need to give over to God so that you can be free to love and serve those around you? If there is guilt you are holding on to, give it to God. If it’s fear, be bold and ask Him for stronger faith to face the next challenge. Remember, we have God’s Spirit living in us! Let him free to lead you in loving others.
Posted in Hearing God
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