Day 1: Engaging Prayer

MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2020
Alone with God
The Place of Help, by Oswald Chambers
“To be silent unto God does not mean drifting into mere feeling or sinking into reverse, but deliberately getting into the center of things and focusing on God.”
Getting alone with God. How can something so simple be so difficult? As a young college student, I attended a prayer weekend with my church. The only rule for the weekend, speak to no other people except at meals. All conversations were to be with God, and him alone. The first thing we often discover in silence is our restlessness, our driven-ness and compulsiveness, our urge to act quickly, to make an impact and to have influence, and often we find it hard to withstand the temptation to return as quickly as possible to the world of relevance. But when we persevere with the help of a gentle discipline, we slowly come to hear the still small voice and to sense the gentle breeze of the Spirit. This week find a place where the distractions are not visible and a time where the phone can be powered down. Sit before your Heavenly Father and give him your time.
“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10
Alone with God
The Place of Help, by Oswald Chambers
“To be silent unto God does not mean drifting into mere feeling or sinking into reverse, but deliberately getting into the center of things and focusing on God.”
Getting alone with God. How can something so simple be so difficult? As a young college student, I attended a prayer weekend with my church. The only rule for the weekend, speak to no other people except at meals. All conversations were to be with God, and him alone. The first thing we often discover in silence is our restlessness, our driven-ness and compulsiveness, our urge to act quickly, to make an impact and to have influence, and often we find it hard to withstand the temptation to return as quickly as possible to the world of relevance. But when we persevere with the help of a gentle discipline, we slowly come to hear the still small voice and to sense the gentle breeze of the Spirit. This week find a place where the distractions are not visible and a time where the phone can be powered down. Sit before your Heavenly Father and give him your time.
“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10
Day 3: Hearing GodDay 4: Hearing GodDay 5: Hearing GodDay 6: Hearing GodDay 7: Hearing GodDay 8: Hearing GodDay 9: Hearing GodDay 10: Hearing GodDay 11: Hearing GodDay 12: Hearing GodDay 13: Hearing GodDay 14: Hearing GodDay 15: Hearing GodDay 16: Hearing GodDay 17: Hearing GodDay 18: Hearing GodDay 19: Hearing GodDay 20: Hearing GodDay 21: Hearing GodDay 22: Hearing GodDay 23: Hearing GodDay 24: Hearing GodDay 25: Hearing GodDay 26: Hearing GodDay 27: Hearing GodDay 28: Hearing GodDay 29: Hearing GodDay 30: Hearing GodDay 31: Hearing GodDay 32: Hearing GodDay 33: Hearing God
Day 1: Engaging PrayerDay 2: Engaging PrayerDay 3: Engaging PrayerDay 4: Engaging PrayerDay 5: Engaging PrayerDay 6: Engaging PrayerDay 8: Engaging PrayerDay 9: Engaging PrayerDay 10: Engaging PrayerDay 11: Engaging PrayerDay 12: Engaging PrayerDay 13: Engaging PrayerDay 15: Engaging PrayerDay 16: Engaging Prayer
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