Day 24: Hearing God

READ- Philippians 2:3
REFLECT- I am in a cover band. I have been (off and on) for decades. I find it relaxing the way that some people find playing golf or reading relaxing. A couple of years ago we were playing our annual Halloween night reach-out event in Marysville, CA. The event itself pulls in thousands of people in for a couple of hours and our band gets to play for many of them as they come and go. That night we laid down a fairly good two-hour set and said, “Goodnight!” to cheers of, “One more song!” The show was over and as I was walking toward my vehicle (feeling particularly pleased with myself I might add) when I saw an older gentleman in a wheelchair struggling to get into one of the port-a-potties that were set up behind the stage area. I walked over to help him get out of his chair when I realized he was wearing a diaper and he didn’t make it in time. This was going to be a problem (I was at the time a pseudo rockstar you know!). He wasn’t very mobile so he grabbed me around the neck as I helped him get cleaned up. We took care of what needed to be taken care of and as I was walking toward the trash can to dispose of an adult diaper God clearly said, “Hey rockstar. This is what love is really about.” And in that moment I was reminded that he was absolutely right.
RESPOND- How can you put someone else’s needs above yours this week? A spouse, a friend, a co-worker, a neighbor. Pray that you will be reminded that real love, God’s love, always goes above and beyond. Pray that it never becomes about you but always about others because he loved you first and he loves you most.
READ- Philippians 2:3
REFLECT- I am in a cover band. I have been (off and on) for decades. I find it relaxing the way that some people find playing golf or reading relaxing. A couple of years ago we were playing our annual Halloween night reach-out event in Marysville, CA. The event itself pulls in thousands of people in for a couple of hours and our band gets to play for many of them as they come and go. That night we laid down a fairly good two-hour set and said, “Goodnight!” to cheers of, “One more song!” The show was over and as I was walking toward my vehicle (feeling particularly pleased with myself I might add) when I saw an older gentleman in a wheelchair struggling to get into one of the port-a-potties that were set up behind the stage area. I walked over to help him get out of his chair when I realized he was wearing a diaper and he didn’t make it in time. This was going to be a problem (I was at the time a pseudo rockstar you know!). He wasn’t very mobile so he grabbed me around the neck as I helped him get cleaned up. We took care of what needed to be taken care of and as I was walking toward the trash can to dispose of an adult diaper God clearly said, “Hey rockstar. This is what love is really about.” And in that moment I was reminded that he was absolutely right.
RESPOND- How can you put someone else’s needs above yours this week? A spouse, a friend, a co-worker, a neighbor. Pray that you will be reminded that real love, God’s love, always goes above and beyond. Pray that it never becomes about you but always about others because he loved you first and he loves you most.
Posted in Hearing God
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