Day 27: Engaging Prayer

When all goes Silent  - by Pastor Kyle Johnson 

Read: John 19:40-42

In the latter part of Passion Week there is Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, but what about Saturday?  It almost seems like a spacer in between important events.  In fact, the Bible doesn’t even say anything about it as John 19 ends with a burial and John 20 starts off with the beginning of Sunday.  Granted, Friday and Sunday were world changing but that doesn’t mean that Saturday can be simply fast forwarded through.  Much of our lives are spent in this in between time.  We go from a spot where we experienced something great from God and are looking forward to the next dynamic encounter.  However, it is in this silent space that we learn to be faithful and consistent.  Those don’t seem like great spiritual words, but they are essential as a follower of Jesus.  This season we are in with the shelter-in-place directive seems like nothing is happening.  It can sap our emotional mojo, but this is important spiritual growth time for your life.  You can get bummed out waiting for “real life” to start up again or find God fresh and new in the waiting, in the monotony, in the silence.  This prayer journey is one of stillness, consistency and faithfulness.  As you have walked out a life of prayer heading into Easter, I encourage you to continue on in the days months and years following.  There is still so much more to come!

Pray: Jesus, you are my Lord and you are my friend.  I am truly thankful that you desire a relationship of constant communication with me.  I know it won’t always be eye-opening revelations or exciting events, but it is enough that you are always with me.  Help me to remain consistent and faithful with you.  Amen.
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