We believe that no one has more potential to influence a child then parents so we have
created a CROSSING KIDS AT HOME page to equip families with weekly tools
including videos, worship, parent guides daily God time activities and more!
created a CROSSING KIDS AT HOME page to equip families with weekly tools
including videos, worship, parent guides daily God time activities and more!
You are a better parent than you might realize. We think so! Parents, grandparents, and guardians often don’t give themselves enough credit for the remarkable job they are doing in raising kids to become good humans. Check out these resources we think you might find helpful!

Weekly Devotionals
Weekly activities and devotionals to guide kids at every phase to trust Jesus in a way that changes how they see God, themselves, and the rest of the world.
Parenting Phases
Making the most of every phase in your kids life. Concise and interactive journal-style books that simplify what parents need to know about each phase.

Parenting Podcast
Parent Cue Live is a weekly podcast featuring parenting experts designed to help parents do family better.
Salvation Conversation Guide
This is an exciting time in a kid’s life. They’re starting to ask questions about their faith. This is a starting point for your kid to begin a life-long conversation about faith.