Day 28: Hearing God
on March 26th, 2023
Please join us today for worship in person at 9:00 or 10:30 am, or watch us live online at 10:30 am.... Read More
Day 27: Hearing God
on March 25th, 2023
WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?READ- 1 John 3:16-24REFLECT- What’s in it for me? This is probably the greatest Amercian question. Our society is so focused on ‘what’s best for me?’ Now this makes sense in the secular, non church world. Let’s be honest, if this wasn’t true there wouldn’t be commercials and we could watch our 60 minute tv show in 35 minutes. As a spiritually young freshman in high school this ... Read More
Day 26: Hearing God
on March 24th, 2023
LOVE LIKE THE MASTERREAD- Mark 5:21-43, 1 John 4:7-13REFLECT- Since the lockdowns in 2020, I’ve noticed that I’m a little more selfish with my time. I certainly didn’t hate being at home most of the time. I really missed my peeps and being in church, but I enjoyed hanging out at home. And now I find that I crave it when I get super busy. Sometimes it seems like so many things are pulling at me for... Read More
Day 25: Hearing God
on March 23rd, 2023
LOVE IN FORGIVENESSREAD- John 15:13, Mark 14:32-36, Matthew 6:12REFLECT- We read that Jesus so loved the Father (and us) that he was willing to submit to the Father’s will for us. Even though it hurt, a lot. If we ask for forgiveness in Jesus’ name, we are forgiven and will live because of Jesus’ willingness to suffer for us. That is awesome! But did you catch the second part of Matt. 6:12? The l... Read More
Day 24: Hearing God
on March 22nd, 2023
WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? READ- Philippians 2:3REFLECT- I am in a cover band. I have been (off and on) for decades. I find it relaxing the way that some people find playing golf or reading relaxing. A couple of years ago we were playing our annual Halloween night reach-out event in Marysville, CA. The event itself pulls in thousands of people in for a couple of hours and our band gets to pla... Read More
Day 23: Hearing God
on March 21st, 2023
WHAT IS LOVE? (BABY DON’T HURT ME NO MORE)READ- John 14:15-24REFLECT- Most of you might know the lyrics to the popular pop song What is Love by Haddaway, and if you don’t maybe ask someone of the 80s, 90s generation and they can tell you. It seems like the artist of this song has a strong devotion to his partner but he is getting hurt by staying in the relationship; maybe she is not reciprocating... Read More
Day 22: Hearing God
on March 20th, 2023
EVERY ROSE HAS ITS THORNREAD- John 15:1-4REFLECT- With Spring upon us I love watching the flowers bloom and the beautiful colors of creation return to the cold and barren trees. Even in this wet weather, our roses have already begun blooming and the cold sharp thorns have started to become hidden behind the blooming roses. I love it when our roses bloom; the plain gray of the house suddenly become... Read More
Day 21: Hearing God
on March 19th, 2023
Please join us today for worship in person at 9:00 or 10:30 am, or watch us live online at 10:30 am.... Read More
Day 20: Hearing God
on March 18th, 2023
WHAT DID YOU SAY?READ- Psalm 85:8REFLECT- Let’s be honest! All of us have slipped into what is known as “selective listening” at one time or another. You know what I am talking about here! It’s when we choose to listen to the bits and pieces that we want to, and ignore or pretend to be listening to the other pieces of information. Whereas this may become useful when you are processing tons of info... Read More
Day 19: Hearing God
on March 17th, 2023
IT’S NOT A ONE WAY STREET!READ- Proverbs 2:1-6, Proverbs 22:17-18, Jeremiah 33:3REFLECT- Have you ever been in a Bible study and secretly hoped that the leader doesn’t suggest popcorn prayer? You know, the kind of prayer where people just take a turn, often leading to awkward silences? You don’t want to be the only person who doesn’t pray, but praying out loud in a group can be scary. I can’t pray... Read More
Day 18: Hearing God
on March 16th, 2023
ACTIVE LISTENINGREAD- Revelation 1:1-3; Luke 11:28REFLECT- As a child I used to get in trouble OFTEN. During my video game phase I would be so wired into my game that whenever I was told something by my parents it didn’t always work out ideally for anyone. I would be told something along the lines of, “Son, you’re hearing me, but you’re not listening.” As I entered adulthood, in particular, marri... Read More
Day 17: Hearing God
on March 15th, 2023
LISTEN WITH YOUR EYESREAD- Psalm 19:1REFLECT- A large percentage of what is communicated in human communication is non-verbal. The percentage of verbal to non-verbal communication varies, depending on the research, but most would agree that at least 70% of what is communicated in a person to person conversation is done through non-verbal cues. We “hear” what other people are saying by not just the... Read More